Museum of Science and Industry Campaign 

My team’s assignment was to develop an advertising campaign for the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) in Chicago, IL. We analyzed the museum's current offerings and overall trends within the museum industry. Based on our findings, we developed a strategic media recommendation aimed at increasing regular visitors. We identified millennial parents with school-aged children as the key demographic most likely to be repeat visitors. We wanted engage this audience effectively, so we proposed a comprehensive media plan that includes OOH, TV spots, podcasts, and digital ads. 

Target Discovery Assignment

My assignment was to conduct a qualitative analysis and audit on Target’s business. I specifically focused on its DEI initiatives starting in 2020  These initiatives were built upon earlier efforts by the Target Foundation to promote overall welfare. I discovered that Target has made significant strides in making DEI information readily accessible and in enhancing inclusivity in both advertising and in-store offerings.

Marlene's Kaleidoscope Gala Program

I was tasked with assisting a local non-profit in Kansas City for their annual gala event. My focus was on solidifying their brand identity using their signature colors, a purple and pink gradient, and establishing a clear hierarchy of information for the event's communication materials. As this was my first experience working with a medical non-profit, I learned the importance of prioritizing information to ensure attendees could quickly and easily find the most critical details.