Writing Samples

Check out some of my favorite pieces

  • Get A Heart (Again)

    I was tasked with writing about something I am passionate about. I chose to focus on one of my favorite reality shows, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” and approached it from the perspective of a person with the power to make changes. It was an enjoyable exercise to step into 'powerful' shoes, recount stories from a show I love, and assist their team in finding the heart of the show for their new series on Hulu.

  • 2021 Trends and Ideas

    My assignment was to identify top trends in business and society which I wrote shortly after COVID-19 vaccines became available. I wrote about companies such as U.S. airlines requiring its employees to get vaccinated and in turn encouraging the public to get vaccinated as it became readily available. I also wrote about more companies offering hybrid working and what this meant for the future of how companies treating employees in the workplace. So much of this paper still holds true four years later and many companies still uphold hybrid working and hopefully some good came from the global pandemic.

  • Let The Scientists Cure COVID-19

    My assignment was to identify an insight about the future of the communications industry and blend it with my contributions as a communications professional. I wrote this paper in 2021 during a time of uncertainty about long-term business impacts, focused on earned media and crafting messages for reporters based on engaging truths. Four years later, I still believe these insights hold true, and I hope other industry leaders feel the same.